Fire-Resistant Landscaping & Gardening
FireSmart BC
Wildfire mitigation programs have existed in many areas in Canada for decades. During the 1990s, FireSmart grew out of an Alberta Forest Service initiative with an initial mandate to facilitate interagency co-operation in the promotion of awareness and education aimed at reducing risk of loss of life and property from fire in the wildland urban interface. The program later evolved into a program of the Canadian Interagency Forest Fire Center. In British Columbia, FireSmart BC is run by an inter-committee of several agencies. You can click here to learn more about who is involved :
FireSmart BC's website has several resources related to fire-resistant landscaping including the following:
FireSmart BC Landscaping Hub: This website has general information on FireSmart Landscaping as well as information on what fire-resistant plants can grow in which hardiness zones, landscaping tips and information on various programs run by FireSmart BC (Plant Program, 2022 Year of the Garden, etc).
FireSmart BC Landscaping Guide: This .pdf guide (also available in print form) provides detailed descriptions of the purpose and function of FireSmart and how landscaping can be utilized to achieve FireSmart goals.
Resource Videos: Several videos on the FireSmart website provide information on landscaping and gardening including the following: The Beauty of FireSmart Landscaping with Brian Minter: "Brian Minter, BC’s go-to gardening expert, reflects on gardening, climate change, and how FireSmart landscaping can help mitigate homeowners' risks when it comes to wildfire." Vegetation Management: "One of the key ways to mitigate wildfire threats is to manage vegetation on properties in fire-prone areas." FireSmart BC Plant Program: "The FireSmart BC Plant program is one of the integral ways of educating British Columbians. Using clearly marked tags on plants found at home and garden centres, the program instantly shows customers, right at the time of purchase, which plants are considered more fire-resilient." FireSmart BC + Art Knapp: "We teamed up with Art Knapp stores in Kamloops and Prince George; enlisting our favourite FireSmart messenger, Ember, to help get the word out about FireSmart landscaping."
Vancouver Island Regional Library Virtual Gardening Series
Vancouver Island Regional Library's Virtual Gardening Series is comprised of several topics related to growing gardens in Vancouver Island's coastal climate. The series includes topics relevant to wildfire mitigation such as Virtual Gardening Series including topics such as FireSmart Gardening (, Coping with Climate Change ( and videos on both invasive and native plants ( &
City of Campbell River & Strathcona District
Strathcona Regional District and the City of Campbell River partnered with FireSmart BC to produce the Campbell River FireSmart Gardening Guide. The is useful in providing specific recommendations for garden and landscaping arrangements to both preserve water and reduce wildfire risks. To help guide stylistic choices, the guide provides photographs of recommended plants. It also provides a rough schedule for planting activities to guide scheduling gardening projects. This guide was "developed to meet local building requirements and the specific climate conditions of northern Vancouver Island region thanks to the collaborative efforts of the BC Wildfire Service, Greenways Land Trust, FireSmart BC, School District 72, Strathcona Regional District and multiple departments within the City of Campbell River."
This central Oregon website hosts a a substantial guide on using fire-resistant plants for home landscapes. The guide was published by Oregon State university and includes substantial information on how to plant, arrange and select fire resistant plants in central Oregon. The guide shows specific plants in arrangements that show how they would look in yards to aid in selections. The website is "a year-round educational effort to empower residents to prepare their home for the threat of wildfire."
Fire Safe Marin
This central Californian website provides information that is environmentally out-of-context for BC. However, the site's YouTube videos provide excellent information on how to plan and install garden projects. Relevant videos include:
How to create Fire-Smart Landscaping w/ UC Marin Master Gardeners
Living With Fire: Fire-Smart Landscaping with the UC Marin Master Gardeners
How to make a landscape fire-safe
How to Prepare Your Garden for Wildfire
Fire-Smart Landscaping: Environmental Considerations for Homeowners
Master Gardeners Association of BC
This association's website is a good resource for information on a number plant species, specific gardening projects and has some information on FireSmart and drought-tolerant landscaping.